The institute is located in the Miramare campus at Via Beirut 2, Trieste, Italy.

For traveling to Trieste we recommend you to use either the local Trieste airport, international Venice airport or the low-cost Treviso airport. Trieste can also be reached by train or bus from all major cities in Italy as well as neighboring countries.

The campus lies very close to the beautiful Miramare castle and gardens. If you find some extra time we warmly recommend you to visit them.

Reaching IFPU from the center of Trieste
It can be reached from Trieste train station by bus number 6 or by few regional trains heading towards Venice (station “Miramare”).

Reaching IFPU from the Trieste airport
Trieste airport is connected to the city by train (station “Trieste airport”, in English), see the Trenitalia website for the schedule and tickets. Some trains stop as well at the “Miramare” station, close to IFPU. The airport is also connected to Trieste by the bus number G51 of the APT Gorizia bus company (website in Italian and Slovenian only). Bus G51 stops as well in Grignano, next to IFPU and the Adriatico Guest House, in addition to the end of the line at the central Trieste bus station.

Reaching IFPU from the Venice and Treviso airports
ATVO buses connect both airports to the “Venezia Mestre” train station where one train leaves, with few exceptions, each hour for Trieste. The trip is about 2 hours, see the Trenitalia website for the schedule and tickets (NB: some trains take almost 3 hours since they go first to Udine before reaching Trieste).
Direct connection to Trieste is provided by Flixbus buses or by shuttle service GoOpti, offering both shared and individual rides in addition to the choice of the pick-up/drop-off location.