This page collects, as a record, the research lines for the first cycle of IFPU activities, from 2018 to 2023

Astroparticle Physics

The aim is to explore particle physics through astrophysical phenomena and cosmology in regimes not accessible to the technology of particle colliders; at the same time, particle messengers can be exploited to study astrophysics and cosmology in regimes not accessible to traditional astronomical probes. Sample topics in this area include, e.g.: the investigation of particle dark matter candidates, the study of neutrino properties and neutrino astrophysics, as well as the open questions regarding cosmic rays.

Title Principal Investigator
Theory and Observations of the Cosmic Microwave BackgroundCarlo Baccigalupi
Dark Energy and Matter with Large Scale Structure Observations Carlo Baccigalupi
Cross-Correlation of Cosmic FieldsCarlo Baccigalupi
Galaxy ClusteringEmiliano Sefusatti
The Nature of the Dark Matter from the structural properties of Galaxies and ClustersPaolo Salucci
Dark matter search with low energy antimatter cosmic raysRiccardo Munini
Observational tests of a dark sectorAlfredo Urbano
AxionsLorenzo Ubaldi

Astrophysical Probes of Fundamental Interactions

The Universe is a natural lab for testing environmental conditions and energy regimes that can be well beyond the reach of terrestrial experiments, allowing one to probe or challenge extreme hypotheses. Topics of research in this area are rather diverse, spanning, e.g., from tests of violations of Lorentz invariance, to tests of variation of fundamental constants, up to studies of the equation of state for dense matter in neutron stars.

Title Principal Investigator
Quantum gravity phenomenologyStefano Liberati
The Intergalactic Medium as a Cosmological ProbeMatteo Viel
The Nature of the Dark Matter from the structural properties of Galaxies and ClustersPaolo Salucci
Observational tests of a dark sectorAlfredo Urbano
Gamma-Ray Bursts as multimessenger and fundamental physics probesAnnalisa Celotti
Accelerating the dark matter signal search in astrophysical data with machine learning Gabrijela Zaharijas
AxionsLorenzo Ubaldi

Early Universe

An extremely hot and dense Universe is predicted when extrapolating its current expansion back in time; relics from this early stage, such as the cosmic microwave background radiation and the primordial light elements, provide key evidence for the Standard Model of Cosmology. At the same time, several ingredients to model and understand the early Universe are missing in the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Open questions in this area include, e.g., what has driven inflation and how the Universe reheated after it, what mechanism generated the baryon asymmetry, whether sizeable primordial non-Gaussianity in density perturbations or a stochastic gravitational wave background exist and can shed light on particle physics close to the Planck scale.

Title Principal Investigator
Theory and Observations of the Cosmic Microwave BackgroundCarlo Baccigalupi
Dark Energy and Matter with Large Scale Structure Observations Carlo Baccigalupi
Cross-Correlation of Cosmic FieldsCarlo Baccigalupi
Galaxy ClusteringEmiliano Sefusatti
Observational tests of a dark sectorAlfredo Urbano
Fields on Curved Backgrounds (FoCus)Stefano Ansoldi
Early Universe and the Epoch of ReionizationValentina D’Odorico
AxionsLorenzo Ubaldi
Inflationary CosmologyPaolo Creminelli

Gravitational Wave Astrophysics

The recent detection of gravitational waves by the LIGO/Virgo collaborations has opened a new frontier for investigating the fundamental laws of Nature. Gravitational wave astronomy will allow for crucial tests of General Relativity, as well as of modified theories of gravity and quantum gravity effects. Compared to electromagnetic probes, it provides a complementary, and in some respect more powerful, diagnostic of compact objects. It may carry an imprint of physics beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics, e.g., potentially revealing the existence of new ultra-light fields or the occurrence of first-order phase transitions in the early Universe. It is a new window for cosmology and cosmography.

Title Principal Investigator
Extended theories of gravityStefano Liberati
Observational tests of a dark sectorAlfredo Urbano
Gamma-Ray Bursts as multimessenger and fundamental physics probesAnnalisa Celotti

Structures in the Universe

The shaping of cosmic structures carries the imprint of the elementary constituents of the Universe, and of the physics laws that determine its evolution and its infant stages. Some of the open questions that are being investigated, include, e.g.: whether effects of dynamical Dark Energy and of modifications of gravity, that can hardly be distinguished from expansion tests, can be discriminated by the growth of cosmic structures; whether there are signs of primordial non-Gaussianity in the seeds of structure formation; whether cosmic structures at different scales may shed light on properties of dark matter particles, corresponding to, e.g., a self-interaction scale or free-streaming scale.

Title Principal Investigator
Cosmology with Galaxy ClustersStefano Borgani
Extended theories of gravityStefano Liberati
Theory and Observations of the Cosmic Microwave BackgroundCarlo Baccigalupi
Dark Energy and Matter with Large Scale Structure Observations Carlo Baccigalupi
Cross-Correlation of Cosmic FieldsCarlo Baccigalupi
Numerical models of the formation of structure in the UniversePierluigi Monaco
Galaxy ClusteringEmiliano Sefusatti
The Intergalactic Medium as a Cosmological ProbeMatteo Viel
The Nature of the Dark Matter from the structural properties of Galaxies and ClustersPaolo Salucci
Early Universe and the Epoch of ReionizationValentina D’Odorico
AxionsLorenzo Ubaldi

Theory & Phenomenology of Gravity

General relativity is among the most successful modern physical theories. On the other hand, in the last decades a number of theoretical problems as well as observational facts have led to a renewed interest in the phenomenology of classical extensions of Einstein’s theory as well as in quantum gravity models. Topics of research in this area include studying, e.g.: alternative theories of gravity; theoretical approaches to quantum gravity and their phenomenological implications; black holes and compact objects physics within and beyond general relativity; analogue models of gravity.

Title Principal Investigator
Cosmology with Galaxy ClustersStefano Borgani
Quantum gravity phenomenologyStefano Liberati
Analogue GravityStefano Liberati
Extended theories of gravityStefano Liberati
Theory and Observations of the Cosmic Microwave BackgroundCarlo Baccigalupi
Dark Energy and Matter with Large Scale Structure Observations Carlo Baccigalupi
Cross-Correlation of Cosmic FieldsCarlo Baccigalupi
Galaxy ClusteringEmiliano Sefusatti
Fields on Curved Backgrounds (FoCus)Stefano Ansoldi